
The Climatalist

Join Anton Babkov as he meets leaders who believe in driving big growth and big impact in the business of climate change.

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Hello friends, I'm Anton

We all know that climate is our biggest challenge. I think it's also our biggest opportunity

I started life as a corporate lawyer and in the last 15 years I founded, ran and successfully exited a tech company.

So many of us want to know what to do, how to create real impact. Like many of you I didn't know where to start - so I'm using this podcast to take you along for the ride as I meet founders, leaders and investors doing amazing things in business, research and politics to solve the climate crisis and drive big growth.

I'm learning about the opportunities in the climate space. I'm also trying to understand whether the next business I build can positively impact our community, the environment, be sustainable, and grow wildly all at the same time.

Luckily I believe anything is possible :).

Anton Babkov
